Category: How do I do X?

This solution is summarized from an archived support forum post. This information may have changed. If you notice an error, please let us know in Discord.

Search/Filter across all API records


I am trying to filter my API data on all pages of a table in my app. My API only supports searching by product name and categories available, not by products associated with them. I am currently transforming the JSON to show only the key's value. However, my Table Settings do not have an onOptionChange like outlined in the documentation. I need help finding a solution for filtering through the entire data.


The user is trying to figure out how to filter data across multiple pages of a table that pulls API data in a WooCommerce product. Their API does not support searching for a product’s category and their table does not include an onOptionChange. Additionally, they are transforming their JSON data to read a key's value to get all information about products.

One solution recommended is to set the table to filter data based on a category using a dropdown or select/multi-select widget. The code for this would be: {{ => item.category === category_filter.selectedOptionValue)}}

It is important to note that server-side filtering requires an external widget like a dropdown to provide users a list of filters that the API supports. It was also recommended to review the documentation to better understand how to utilize external filters.