Category: How do I do X?

This solution is summarized from an archived support forum post. This information may have changed. If you notice an error, please let us know in Discord.

Want to Connect with Custom Redis On My Local Setup


As a new user of Redis, I am facing an issue with my deployed app where I get an internal server error for applications that use datasource or database connections. I am wondering if using an external Redis would solve the problem. I have also shared the backend logs that show a mismatching salt and password error. My aim is to deploy the app on any device without getting an internal server error.


The user was deploying an app using Helm and wanted to use custom Redis. To do this, they can specify the environment variable (APPSMITH_REDIS_URL) in the values.yaml file. The user also asked for guidance on using Redis Cloud and how to solve an internal server error they were encountering when deploying the app on different devices.

To use Redis Cloud, the user should sign up for a service provider and follow their instructions to create a Redis database. The Redis URL provided by the service provider should be used to configure the app's environment variable as per the previous instructions.

Regarding the internal server error, the user shared the logs which showed a Cipher error. The error occurred due to mismatched salt and password values for encryption. To solve this, the user must ensure that all instances connecting to the same MongoDB have the same salt and password values configured as environment variables. The environment variables required are APPSMITH_ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD and APPSMITH_ENCRYPTION_SALT.

Overall, by ensuring the environment variables are correctly configured and matching, the user can successfully use custom Redis and deploy their app without encountering internal server errors.