Category: Question and Answers

This solution is summarized from an archived support forum post. This information may have changed. If you notice an error, please let us know in Discord.

Table Widget - Inline Edit - Date Column


I have a table with dates, but I can't edit them inline if the format is set to Date. I wish there was a way to keep the date format and still edit the rows inline. Appsmith is working on a solution to this issue and it will be available soon.


The solution proposed is to enhance the existing inline editing feature in the table widget by allowing developers to mark date columns as editable. This will enable them to edit the rows inline while retaining the date format. The proposed solution is currently in the works, as stated in the GitHub issue.

Once the enhancement is implemented, developers can simply mark the date column as editable, and the inline editing feature will allow editing of the date field. This will help streamline the data editing process in tables, eliminating the need for additional form fields or pop-up windows for data entry.

As of now, no specific code examples have been provided for this feature. However, the developer community can suggest and contribute to the development of this feature on GitHub.