Category: How do I do X?

This solution is summarized from an archived support forum post. This information may have changed. If you notice an error, please let us know in Discord.

Get user email on page load


As a user, I am encountering a bug in Google Sheets query where is not populated immediately when the page loads. The table is initially blank and only displays results when I manually run We have added a temporary solution of displaying a loading page before querying everything, and have filed an issue for a fix.


The team encountered a bug in their Google Sheet query where the was not populated immediately when the page loaded, causing the table to be initially blank. They implemented a temporary solution by displaying a loading page for a second before querying everything.

However, they filed an issue on the appsmithorg/appsmith GitHub page to fix the issue. Once the bug is fixed, the should be populated immediately when the page loads, allowing for the table to display correctly without the need for a loading page.