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This solution is summarized from an archived support forum post. This information may have changed. If you notice an error, please let us know in Discord.

Get Sum of a Table Column in a Label


I need to calculate the total of a specific column in a label in my Appsmith application. I am using a table widget with client-side pagination. When I change the page, I want the label to update with the page-wise total dynamically. I also need the label to update when I apply sorting or filters from the client-side.


To calculate the total of a specific column in a label for a Table widget, follow these steps:


For Server-Side Pagination:

  • You can write a query to calculate the total directly in your database, and use that result in the label.


For Client-Side Pagination:

  • Use the lodash function sumBy to calculate the total of a specific column from the table data.
Example 1: To Sum the "Visa" Column
  • Use the following code to sum the "Visa" column across all pages:

    {{ _.sumBy(, (row) => row.Visa) }}