Category: How do I do X?

This solution is summarized from an archived support forum post. This information may have changed. If you notice an error, please let us know in Discord.

Enrich Data Inside a Function with a Second Api Call


I am trying to enrich my data with additional API queries using Appsmith's how-to guide. I have one API call to fetch all endpoints and then I need to run a second API call to fetch details about every endpoint. However, I am unsure how to pass the needed information from the first API to the second query. I have tried to adapt the user enrichment example provided by Appsmith but do not understand how the second query will be called for every ID from the first query. It seems like I need to debug the issue and potentially invite Appsmith support to my workspace for assistance.


Unfortunately, there is no solution at this time as the user is still in the process of debugging their upgrade problem to version 1.9.x before they can further try to enrich their data with additional API queries. The user had two queries: the first query was used to get all endpoints and unique ids, while the second query had to pass the id from the first query inside the URL. The user tried to adapt the how-to guide from Appsmith to enrich their data, but they did not understand how to call the second query for every id from the first query. To properly solve the issue and send data from the first to the second query within a JS object, further examination of the code is needed.