Category: How do I do X?

This solution is summarized from an archived support forum post. This information may have changed. If you notice an error, please let us know in Discord.

Have a page receive POST parameters


I want to receive a POST request on an Appsmith page and access its parameters from within JavaScript, but there isn't a direct way to do this on Appsmith. Another option is to use a third-party tool like n8n or LTI-as-a-service to handle authentication and provide a token to access their API.


The user was interested in using AppSmith to provide tools for their courses through LTI. They wanted to receive POST parameters from an external web-application and access them from within JavaScript on an Appsmith page. However, Appsmith doesn't have a direct way of doing this.

The user was advised to use a third-party tool like n8n that offers webhook support. Alternatively, they were also recommended to use LTI-as-a-service through as it handles all the authentication and offers a token that can be used with their API to perform the required actions.

In terms of code examples, the user was given a reference to the Appsmith documentation for passing parameters to a query's run function and accessing POST response data using {{ApiName.key}}. However, these were not directly applicable in this case.