Category: Installation

This solution is summarized from an archived support forum post. This information may have changed. If you notice an error, please let us know in Discord.

Helm: Is It Possible to Increase De Number of Replica?


I am having trouble scaling the number of instances of AppSmith running in my cluster using a HelmRelease file. Although I changed the replica count in the file, the change is not reflected in the cluster. I tried enabling autoscaling with min and max replicas, but it is not available in the Community Edition that I am using. Can you help me find a solution to this issue?


The individual was facing an issue where the changes in the replica count for the Appsmith installation on their cluster weren't being reflected. They had made changes to the Helm chart but the updates weren't being propagated. The support team informed them that in the community edition, scaling could be achieved through kubectl commands, and not through an autoscale feature. Furthermore, autoscaling is not currently supported in the community edition. The support team suggested a kubectl command to scale the statefulset. The individual shared a file based on the Helm chart for the Appsmith installation and the support team confirmed that the replicaCount parameter was being used correctly. Finally, the issue was resolved and the support team asked for feedback via a survey link.