Category: How do I do X?

This solution is summarized from an archived support forum post. This information may have changed. If you notice an error, please let us know in Discord.

How Can I Bulk Insert More Then 5.500 Rows of Data in CSV


I am facing an issue with bulk inserting more than 5500 rows of data in CSV using JavaScript code and SQL queries in AppSmith. My code and query can only bulk insert a maximum of 5500 rows of data, and if there are more rows, the code execution stops after the upload without any error message. I need a solution to bulk insert more than 5500 rows of data.


The issue with bulk inserting more than 5500 rows of data in a CSV using JavaScript code and SQL queries in AppSmith can be resolved by inserting the data in batches using a loop in JavaScript. The JS code can be modeled after a sample app for downloading server-side paginated data from a table widget in AppSmith. The logic used in that app can be applied to bulk insert as well. The SQL insert query remains the same. The code for bulk inserting data in batches would need to be added to the existing JavaScript code.