Category: How do I do X?

This solution is summarized from an archived support forum post. This information may have changed. If you notice an error, please let us know in Discord.

How Can I Reclaim Access to Self-Hosted Applications Associated with an Account I Can’t Access?


I have lost access to the Appsmith applications I was developing locally on a self-hosted instance using Docker. After attempting to reset my password, I created a new user account but couldn't access the applications. I am looking for a configuration tweak to resolve the account disconnect.


The issue was that the user lost access to their Appsmith applications on their self-hosted instance after attempting to update Appsmith via watchtower. They were unable to reset their password and create a new account, and could not log in to their self-hosted instance with their original account.

The solution was to SSH into the server and run the following command in the directory containing the docker-compose.yml file, replacing USER_EMAIL with the email of the account they wanted to restore:

docker-compose exec appsmith mongo "$(awk -F= '$1 == "APPSMITH_MONGODB_URI" {print $2}' stacks/configuration/docker.env | cut -d '?' -f1)" --eval "db.user.updateOne({email: 'USER_EMAIL'}, {\$set: {source: 'FORM', isEnabled: false}})"

This command updates the user account in the Appsmith MongoDB instance to reset the password and enable the account. The user can then sign up with the email address and reset the password to regain access to their account.

Overall, the solution involved updating the user account in the MongoDB instance to reset the password and re-enabling the account, allowing the user to regain access to their Appsmith applications on their self-hosted instance.