Category: Appsmith Support

This solution is summarized from an archived support forum post. This information may have changed. If you notice an error, please let us know in Discord.

How to contact Appsmith support - Lost access to self-hosted instance on AWS EC2


I am having trouble accessing our Appsmith instance on our EC2 instance. When trying to log in with our email/password combo, it prompts us to use Google authentication instead. But when we use Google Auth with the same email, it takes us to an old demo account instead of our production account. I am nervous to make any changes in case I break it more. How can I back it up before editing it?


The solution involves editing the docker.env file and removing the values for the APPSMITH_OAUTH2_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID, APPSMITH_OAUTH2_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET, and APPSMITH_SIGNUP_ALLOWED_DOMAINS environment variables. This will prevent Appsmith from using Google authentication and allow for login with just the email/password combo. Before making any changes to the instance, it is recommended to take a backup of the docker.env file and create a dump of the mongodb. This can be done using the commands "mv docker.env docker.env.bk" and "mongodump --uri...", respectively. Restart the Appsmith server after making the changes by running "docker restart " or "docker-compose restart appsmith_appsmith-internal-server-1".