Category: How do I do X?

This solution is summarized from an archived support forum post. This information may have changed. If you notice an error, please let us know in Discord.

How Do I Get the Application Url Other Than From Application UI After Importing the Json File Into New Instance


I am currently working on automating the deployment of the Appsmith application on our server. However, I need to find the Appsmith URL without looking into the UI. Although importing the application as a JSON file into a new Appsmith instance can work, there is no direct way to get the URL without looking at the UI. The only way to obtain the URL is by finding the application slug, default page's ID and slug from the different API responses or by querying the database where the parts of data would be stored. There is no other way to find the URL through Docker files or local storage files in the Appsmith folder or any database backup files of the application.


The initial problem was to find out the URL of an Appsmith application without looking into the UI. One way to achieve this is by forming the URL by finding the application slug, default page's ID and slug from different API responses. The URL pattern of the application is {base_url}/app/{appSlug}/{pageSlug}-{pageId}.

However, there are other options to find the URL. But the URL itself would not be present in any of these places. Instead, we would need to obtain the necessary parts from the database. To get the database of the Appsmith instance, one can SSH into the Docker container and connect to the locally running Mongo DB instance if using the appsmith-ce or appsmith-ee image.

Overall, there is no easy way to find the URL of an Appsmith application without looking into the UI or the database. But the necessary parts to form the URL can be obtained from the database or API responses.