Category: Question and Answers

This solution is summarized from an archived support forum post. This information may have changed. If you notice an error, please let us know in Discord.

List Widget - Auto Height Possible in the Future?


I have built an app with a list widget that retrieves data from a database, but the widget height is static and does not adjust to the number of items in the list. This leads to a lot of blank space or excessive pagination, depending on the size of the list. I am hoping for an auto-height feature that can dynamically size the list widget based on the number of items returned.


There is currently no auto height feature for the list widget in Appsmith. However, the Appsmith team is aware of this need and it is on their radar. The proposed solution is to dynamically size the list widget based on the number of items returned from the database, up to a value provided by the developer in a widget parameter. Once this value is reached, pagination options will be shown to move between list pages. In the meantime, developers can upvote and comment on this feature request on Appsmith's GitHub page.