Category: UI Widgets

This solution is summarized from an archived support forum post. This information may have changed. If you notice an error, please let us know in Discord.

Select Type in Table Displaying Value Rather Than Label


I am trying to use a Select data type within a table to have a dropdown to pick a US State (e.g. CA, FL), and I want to have the ID as the value and the state code as the label. However, the column still displays the ID in the table even though the edit dropdown displays the state code. I have tried different computed values and changing the label and value settings, but none of them worked. I ended up using a workaround by doing a lookup from the state code to the province ID. It seems to be a bug, and I have reported it to the team.


The user was trying to use a Select data type within a table to have a dropdown to pick a US State, with the ID as the value and the state code as the label. However, the column was still displayed with the ID in the table even though the edit dropdown displayed the state code.

After sharing the data that was returned from the query, suggestions were made to change the computed value to use the province code instead and to use {{ => row.province_id === currentRow.province_id).province_code}}. However, these solutions did not work.

In the end, the user decided to use a Select column based on the human readable state codes and then do a lookup from state_code → province_id as part of the API call that sends this data to the backend, which served as a workaround. The issue was reported as a bug.