Category: Question and Answers

This solution is summarized from an archived support forum post. This information may have changed. If you notice an error, please let us know in Discord.

Table widget - Select column type


I am having trouble getting the Select column type to work in my table. I am using a query to populate the options for the dropdown, but it is not showing up in the table. I have tried making the column editable, but it is greyed out. My use case is that the user needs to select a value for every row in the table, which is then updated in the database. If this is not possible with the current method, I am open to other workarounds.


The user was trying to use the 'Select' column type in a custom column in their table. However, they were not seeing the dropdown appear in the table, even though they had used a valid query to populate the select options. They were also unable to make the column editable.

The issue was that the custom column was not editable, which is required to use the select dropdown. The solution was to instead edit the related column directly, using a select widget and the same query to populate the dropdown. This can be done by making the related column editable, and then configuring it to use the select widget with the query.

To summarize the solution, the user needed to edit the related column directly instead of using a custom column, and use a select widget with a valid query to populate the dropdown options.