Category: Question and Answers

This solution is summarized from an archived support forum post. This information may have changed. If you notice an error, please let us know in Discord.

Can electron.js and appsmith be used together?


I am wondering if I can use AppSmith to create desktop applications using the Electron framework. I know that Electron can generate JavaScript apps for desktop and web browsers, and that AppSmith can expose REST APIs in a user-friendly interface. I'm curious if the two can be combined for desktop app creation.


It is possible to embed an AppSmith application inside an Electron app using an iframe. However, AppSmith itself does not have the capability to directly produce desktop applications. To create pseudo-native apps, Nativefier can be used with AppSmith. Nativefier is a tool that can make NodeJS apps that work as both web applications and desktop apps. With Nativefier, you can wrap an AppSmith app to create a desktop application that can be launched on multiple platforms. An example of wrapping an AppSmith app with Nativefier can be found in the Nativefier Github repository.