Category: How do I do X?

This solution is summarized from an archived support forum post. This information may have changed. If you notice an error, please let us know in Discord.

Can we use keycloak for custom authentication in appsmith application?


I am wondering if I can use 'Login with Keycloak' for custom authentication within my application similar to 'Login with Google' or 'Login with Supabase'. However, it seems difficult to integrate as there is no straightforward alternative like Xeno for Google login. The Business(Enterprise) Edition of Appsmith offers Keycloak SSO, but I am unsure if this meets my specific needs.


The solution to using "Login with Keycloak" for custom authentication inside an application like "Login with Google" or "Login with Supabase" may be difficult to implement. While it may be similar in nature to the integration used for Google login, there doesn't seem to be a straightforward way to integrate Keycloak login without a third-party tool like Xeno. However, if Keycloak SSO is needed, it is offered in the Business/Enterprise edition of Appsmith, and documentation on how to use SAML SSO with Keycloak is available in the Appsmith docs.

There are no code examples necessary for this summary as it pertains more to the integration of third-party tools and enterprise-level solutions.