Category: How do I do X?

This solution is summarized from an archived support forum post. This information may have changed. If you notice an error, please let us know in Discord.

How do I convert JSON Obj to XML and vice versa


As an AppSmith user, I need to be able to convert JSON to XML and XML to JSON within my application. To achieve this, the fast-xml-parser library has been integrated into the application and can be accessed through the xmlParser keyword. The library offers a jsonToXML function to convert JSON to XML and an xmlToJSON function to convert XML to JSON.


The solution involves integrating the fast-xml-parser library into AppSmith and making it accessible through the xmlParser keyword. The JS object includes two methods: jsonToXML and xmlToJSON.

The jsonToXML method accepts a JSON object and uses the j2xParser module of fast-xml-parser to convert it into an XML string. The resulting XML string is then returned. For example, if we pass {"abc": "def"} to the method, it will return "def".

The xmlToJSON method accepts an XML string and uses the parse module of fast-xml-parser to convert it into a JSON object. The resulting JSON object is then returned. For example, if we pass "def" to the method, it will return {"abc": "def"}.

This solution makes it easy to convert XML and JSON between each other in AppSmith using the fast-xml-parser library. It can be used to parse XML responses from APIs or to generate XML payloads to send in API requests.