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Akhil Varma Verified userVerified user

Product Manager


Revolutionizing Automation with Workflows

Hey Appsmith Community, 

Hope you're all doing fantastic! Today, I've got some thrilling news that's going to add a whole new dimension to your Appsmith journey. You know how we've been your go-to for building incredible UIs for your backends, right? Well, hold onto your hats because we're super excited to introduce the first beta of our upcoming feature: Workflows.

The Birth of Workflows in Appsmith

We've been listening intently to your feedback and realized there's a growing need for something more - the power of long-running, server-side automation for internal tools. That's why we're super excited to introduce our upcoming feature: Workflows.

Why Workflows? Unleashing New Potentials

Appsmith's Workflows feature empowers users to automate tasks and processes efficiently. By running server-side automation, users can create seamless, hands-free operations.

  • Bridging Automation and Human Insight: Some of the most complicated workflows involve both automated steps and human reviews or approvals. Our “human in the loop” functionality makes it easy to incorporate human decisions or steps within a fully automated process..
  • Code-First, Flexibility Forever: True to Appsmith's ethos, we embrace a code-first approach. This grants you the power to customize workflows to meet your exact needs, making your automation uniquely aligned with your business objectives.

Real-World Use Cases: Where Workflows Shine

  1. Order Refund Workflow: Picture this - a high-value order needs a refund, but it's not just a click-and-done deal. With Workflows, you can set up an automated process that requires necessary approvals, ensuring that high-value transactions are handled with the extra care they deserve.
  2. Loan Sanction Workflow: Loans, approvals, and multiple teams – sounds like a juggling act, right? Not anymore! Workflows will enable you to automate the loan sanctioning process, seamlessly integrating approvals from different teams, making the process smoother and more efficient.

Get a Sneak Peek


Join the Revolution: Sign Up for Closed Beta

And here's the best part - we're onboarding users for our closed beta! If you're as excited as we are and want to be among the first to experience Workflows in Appsmith, sign up here. Your feedback will be invaluable in shaping this feature!

pchambless1 public View pchambless1's profile
Mon, 01/15/2024 - 14:47

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