Handling Large Data Without Server-Side Pagination


There have been certain situations where you have a lot of data, and you probably want to display them in Appsmith (in a table Widget). Most of the limitations you encounter are centered around how Appsmith handles extensive data regarding fetching and rendering. When your data is too large, it affects the user experience when you try to fetch them all simultaneously. 

The general solution is to use server-side pagination when your data is too large. With this, you can handle extensive data, fetch them in chunks, display them, paginate, search, and probably filter. 

As much as this approach makes it easier to scale your app, there are two significant downsides. 

  1. You have to write chunks of code/query to handle filtering, searching, and pagination 😩.
  2. You also have to manage data export manually from your table 🤕. 

This guide will walk you through how you can render extensive data (<35,000 rows) without implementing server-side pagination, filtering, searching manually, and data download 😁. 

You can find the completed application here to see how it works.


Appsmith recommends using server-side pagination to render large data in your table. Refer to the below guides to learn about: