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Frederik Duchi Verified userVerified user

Lecturer & Researcher, Hogeschool West-Vlaanderen


Born and Raised in the southern part of West-Flanders in the early 80’s. I Fell in love with designing and developing digital products - especially websites - when I wrote my first lines of HTML in the late 90’s.

After graduating as a bachelor in Multimedia and Communication Technology at Howest, I first worked a couple of years as a FoxPro developer for a small IT company. Then I returned to my Alma Mater where I still work as a lecturer in software and web development. 

In recent years my focus has increasingly been on research. I am especially interested in developing digital solutions by using no-code and low-code platforms because they allow me to develop at a fast pace and make it easy to collaborate with people who have no technical background.

My content

Work experience

Lecturer & Researcher
Hogeschool West-Vlaanderen 
September 2005 - Present 


Areas of expertise
