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Yulia Tatarnikova Verified userVerified user

Technical writer, Freelance


Yulia is an experienced technical writer currently creating reviews and tutorials on low-code workflow automation

A native Russian speaker, Yulia is also proficient in English and German, as evidenced by her successful completion of C1 language certificates.  

In the meanwhile, Yulia is ready to help companies make their documentation more consistent and understandable. Her ambition is to educate users on how to get the most out of new platforms and tools, ensuring a smooth launch and continued success.

In addition to her technical projects, Yulia is also active in the field of music. As a solo guitarist, she dedicates herself to performing, composing and recording musical pieces.

From experience, Yulia knows that admin tasks can prevent artists from reaching their full inventive potential and producing high-quality creative work. That's why she looks for effective solutions that give musicians the gift of time  - an indispensable resource for producing a masterpiece.  

Specifically, Yulia is working on developing custom automations and internal tools to streamline artist bookings and client communications, freeing up more time for artistic output.

My templates

Areas of expertise

workflow automation


TestDaf C1 German Language Exam - 2022
IELTS C1 English Language Exam - 2017