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Dessi Ugarte Verified userVerified user

Content Manager


Revamped Tab Management, S3 File Manager, Strapi, Live Debugging, and More!

Hello Appsmiths, πŸ‘‹ 

This month, we're happy to share with you how Appsmith can improve your customer support processes and efficiency.

At Appsmith, we created a Customer 360 App, which saves us over $20,000 per year. This app consolidates data from Salesforce, Stripe, Zendesk, and Mixpanel into a single comprehensive dashboard, improving our customer service operations' effectiveness. 

We understand that many of our customers are seeking to unify their customer support tools or reduce costs with their current tools. That's why we've put together a tutorial that guides you on how to replicate our success within your own business. It offers insights on how to consolidate your customer data to improve business results, along with the necessary tools and a template.

Have you tried using Appsmith to improve your customer support operations? We'd love to hear about your experiences!

Stay tuned for more updates! ✨


Product updates

Tab management revamped in IDE 2.0

We recently announced Appsmith IDE 2.0, and we are committed to creating the best possible coding environment for you. Our first major improvement is the revamped tab management system for Queries and JS Objects, designed with familiar IDE patterns that should make you feel more at home in Appsmith than ever before. 

Granular information in the Git commit modal

Developers integrating with Git have often struggled with limited visibility into app changes, leading to unintended alterations and affecting commit accuracy. To resolve this issue, we've improved the information in the commit modal in Appsmith to show granular changes. This allows you to review all the changes you've made to your apps. The modal displays changes to each resource, providing a clear and concise view of what has been added, deleted, or modified

β†’ Find all the details of these new releases and additional updates in our monthly round-up.

Write a review, get a $25 gift card

Your feedback matters to us - and to the community. Please take a moment to give us a review on G2. Send us a link to your published review, and we'll give you a gift card of your choice.

β†’ Write a Review


How We Improved our Revenue Operations with Real-Time ARR Using Appsmith

Annual recurring revenue must be tracked to ensure business success. This data is usually hard to consolidate, so we built our Appsmith own ARR dashboard.

How to Build an Efficient Customer Support Experience Using Low-Code Automation

Your business's success relies on customer satisfaction. Here’s how to create an efficient customer support using automation built on flexible low-code tools.

How to Build Complex, Sortable, Paginated, Searchable HTML Table Widgets

This tutorial shows how to quickly build complex HTML tables that can paginate, sort, and search data from almost any data source and embed them in web pages.

β†’ Visit the blog to learn more


An image with grey background and information of the community highlight.

A shout-out to Sasithon Sangnarai, the April Monthly Contest winner, who created an impressive Population Maps by Custom Widget. We also welcomed a new Community Leader, Aditya Parthiban. Aditya, an engineering student at HMIT in Bangalore, is an avid Appsmith user who has made significant contributions to our community. Aditya won last year's Hacktoberfest event and has contributed several templates to our community library. Many thanks to Aditya for his continued dedication to the Appsmith community!

The Open Source Balancing Act: Crafting a Sustainable Model

This article explores the delicate balancing act of maintaining sustainability in open-source projects, using Appsmith. It delves into the philosophy behind deciding what features are included in the community edition versus the paid version.

Integrate Strapi, an open-source headless CMS, with Appsmith

This series includes setting up Strapi to build and manage APIs, deploying Strapi to the cloud, and creating Appsmith apps that connect with Strapi via its REST and GraphQL APIs.

How to Make a S3 File Manager

Learn how to manage files in an SE bucket using Appsmith. You can effortlessly organize, access, and collaborate on S3 files with granular permissions management and robust error handling.

Community Portal Updates for Freelancers!

Are you a freelance developer or agency focused on low-code, or an experienced low-code developer who'd like to start freelancing? Then this next round of community updates is for you! 

How To Integrate Appsmith & GraphQL

Integrate GraphQL into your internal apps and dashboards, without writing boilerplate code or managing complex states.

May Content Contest: Developer Tools

This month, we want to see your best developer tools, utilities, converters, or any other apps that assist in your development processes, either in Appsmith, or any other platform or language!

β†’ Visit the community portal to learn more


Building A CSV To JSON Converter With The Papa Parse JavaScript 

πŸ“… Friday, May 17th | 7:30 PM IST, 7:00 AM PT

Appsmith is great for building complex dashboards and apps with multiple datasources, but it's also good for simple utilities, generators & converters. In this workshop, Joseph shows how to build a CSV to JSON converter using PapaParse.JS. 

May Release Jam

πŸ“… Thursday, May 23rd | 7:30 PM IST, 7:00 AM PT

Join our monthly release jam for the latest Appsmith features and updates.

Appsmith Live Debugging Challenge: Fix it and Win it!

πŸ“… Thursday, May 30th | 7:30 PM IST, 7:00 AM PT

Learn valuable debugging techniques and best practices. Solve real app problems in real-time and stand a chance to win exclusive Appsmith swag.

Office hours with Support

Every Tuesday and Thursday, we hold office hours on Discord with the Support team. This is a great opportunity to get your questions answered and engage with our team.

Appsmith is an open-source, low-code platform to build internal apps quickly. Talk to us on Discord if you have any questions.