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This solution is summarized from an archived support forum post. This information may have changed. If you notice an error, please let us know in Discord.

How Do I Manage Global Users On Self-Hosted Community Edition?


As an admin of a self-hosted instance of Appsmith, I am unable to manage global access for users. I created a user and have access to the admin settings, but I cannot see a list of other users or have any visibility into the apps they have created or what they have access to. I am also unable to use Appsmith's own database as a datasource, which I hoped would provide some visibility into user accounts. There is a need for better global user management in the Community Edition, as some users are signing up with invalid email addresses and causing confusion. The Appsmith team is aware of this issue and is tracking it on a Github ticket.


Currently, global access for users on a self-hosted instance of Appsmith is not available in the Community Edition. The Granular Access control feature of the Business Edition, allows you to specify precise access permissions for every resource within your Appsmith instance. 

However, for the free version, we have a feature request to allow instance admins to manage users at the instance level, and we encourage users to add comments with their use case to this GitHub issue: