Plan Your Day/Week Meals & Find Recipes Using Meal Planner Tool
I will guide you how to develop the meal planner application using REST API datasource with API integrations of spoonacular.com
Appsmith Account
spoonacular API Key
Googlesheet/ Supabase for storing user details
Using Appsmith, I developed an app that helps you create an account and plan your meals for a day or a week. You can check a summary of your meal plans and search for recipes by name, ingredients, or nutrients to find the right ones for you.
Functionality covered:
- Signup new user
- Login to Application
- Plan your Meal for day or Week
- Search for recipe according to Recipe name, ingredients or Nutrients
Step 1: Sign Up or Log In to Meal Planner App
- Visit Appsmith Cloud to sign up or log in.
- Create a New Application and select a suitable theme.
Add a Sign-Up Page
- Add new form widget with following widgets
- Input1 widget for Name
- Input2 widget for Email
- Input3 widget for Password
- Create
database table in SupaBase & integrate with appsmith as PostgreSQL
INSERT INTO user_signup (name, email, password) VALUES ('{{Input1.text}}', '{{Input2.text}}', '{{Input3.text}}');
Name the query assignup
Call query onClick event of Signup button
{{signup.run().then(() => { showAlert('You are successfully registered. Thank you!', 'success'); navigateTo('Login', {}, 'SAME_WINDOW'); });}}
Add a Login Page
- Add new form widget with following Input widgets
- Input1 for Email
- Input2 for Password
- create Login query
SELECT * FROM user_signup WHERE email = '{{Input1.text}}' AND password = '{{Input2.text}}';
Name the query as
Call query on Login button of Login form
{{login_mealplanner.run().then(() => { showAlert('Logged in successfully!', 'success'); storeValue('user_name', login_mealplanner.data[0].name); storeValue('user_id', login_mealplanner.data[0].id); navigateTo('User Profile', {}, 'SAME_WINDOW'); });}}
Step 2: Redirect to Complete Profile Page
After a successful login, redirect users to a "Complete Your Profile" page.
- Complete your profile will have JsonForm with input widgets to a Name, Age, Gender, Weight, Height, Activity level, Diet preference, Allergies
Write query for complete user profile
INSERT INTO public.user_mealplanner ("created_at","name","age","gender","weight","height","activitylevel","dietpreference","allergies","userid") VALUES ('NOW()','{{appsmith.store.user_name}}','{{(JSONForm1.formData || {}).age}}','{{(JSONForm1.formData || {}).gender}}','{{(JSONForm1.formData || {}).weight}}','{{(JSONForm1.formData || {}).height}}','{{(JSONForm1.formData || {}).activitylevel}}','{{(JSONForm1.formData || {}).dietpreference}}','{{(JSONForm1.formData || {}).allergies}}','{{appsmith.store.user_id}}')
Name query as Insert_public_user_mealplanner1 & call on Submit button
{{Insert_public_user_mealplanner1.run().then(() => { showAlert('You have Successfully completed your profile!', 'success'); navigateTo('View User', {}, 'SAME_WINDOW'); });}}
Step 3: Plan Your Meal for Day or Week
Here we need REST API for getting Meal data & Recipe details from spoonacular.com
- Select Datasource In Appsmith => REST API
- Base URL=> https://api.spoonacular.com
- x-api-key=> <your_spoonacular_apikey>
Create API query to Create Plan for day or week
Name query as createplanAppsmith UI :Add Form widget to make meal plan with Input widgets
- Select widget Plan- day/week
- Input1 for Calories
- Select widget for diet type
- Input widget for Allergies
Write JS object to calculate Day meal or Week meal nutrients
export default { calculateDayNutrients: function() { const meals = createplan?.data?.meals || []; let totalNutrients = { calories: createplan?.data?.nutrients?.calories || 0, protein: createplan?.data?.nutrients?.protein || 0, fat: createplan?.data?.nutrients?.fat || 0, carbohydrates: createplan?.data?.nutrients?.carbohydrates || 0 }; meals.forEach(meal => { if (meal?.nutrients) { totalNutrients.calories += meal.nutrients.calories || 0; totalNutrients.protein += meal.nutrients.protein || 0; totalNutrients.fat += meal.nutrients.fat || 0; totalNutrients.carbohydrates += meal.nutrients.carbohydrates || 0; } }); return { totalNutrients, meals: meals.map(meal => ({ title: meal.title || 'Unknown', readyInMinutes: meal.readyInMinutes || 0, servings: meal.servings || 1, nutrients: meal.nutrients || {}, sourceUrl: meal.sourceUrl || '' })) }; } };
Call “create plan” query on “Submit” button OnClick event & onSuccess call JsObject
{{createplan.run().then(() => {}); JSObjectAnalyseData.calculateDayNutrients();}}
Add Table widget to view the meal plan data with Data binding=>
{{ createplan.data.meals.map((meal) => ({ title: meal.title, readyInMinutes: meal.readyInMinutes, servings: meal.servings, calories: createplan.data.nutrients.calories, protein: createplan.data.nutrients.protein, fat: createplan.data.nutrients.fat, carbohydrates: createplan.data.nutrients.carbohydrates, sourceUrl: meal.sourceUrl })) }}
Add Chart widget to analyse meal plan according to nutrients with Data binding for pie chart=>
{{[ { x: 'Calories', y: JSObjectAnalyseData.calculateDayNutrients()?.totalNutrients?.calories || 0 }, { x: 'Protein', y: JSObjectAnalyseData.calculateDayNutrients()?.totalNutrients?.protein || 0 }, { x: 'Fat', y: JSObjectAnalyseData.calculateDayNutrients()?.totalNutrients?.fat || 0 }, { x: 'Carbohydrates', y: JSObjectAnalyseData.calculateDayNutrients()?.totalNutrients?.carbohydrates || 0 } ]}}
Create API query to view the details of displayed meal plan recipes
name it as RecipeInformationTable widget name it as “TableDayMeal” Add new column with button “Recipe” to display the details information/recipe of Planned meal
On Recipe button click Open Modal with Recipe details.
Step 4: Search for Recipe
Create API query to view recipe details according to recipe name, Nutrients & Ingredients
GET https://api.spoonacular.com/recipes/complexSearch?query={{Input1.text}}
Name it as SearchRecipeByNameAdd Form widget for Searching required food recipes
- With input widgets
- Input1 for Recipe name
- Input2 for minCarbs
- Input4 for maxCarbs
- Input5 for minProtein
- Input6 for maxProtein
- Input3 for Ingredients
On submit button OnClick() event call query
Data binding with List widget=>
For each Recipe item show button to view the details Instructions & Ingredients details
OnClick event of “View Recipe” button Open Modal & execute query RecipeInformation
{{showModal(Modal2.name).then(() => { RecipeInformation.run(); });}}
Data binding=>
Summary Text widget:
Instructions Text widget:
Ingredients Table widget:
Recipe Image widget:
Using Appsmith Widgets and Datasources, you can build dynamic applications like a Meal Planner with ease. Appsmith’s intuitive drag-and-drop interface, combined with powerful REST API and database integrations