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Text-To-Speech Synthesis Using Appsmith & Resemble.ai


Integrate Resemble.AI API with Appsmith & convert Text to speech


  • Resemble.AI API Token

  • Appsmith Account


Integrating Resemble.AI API with Appsmith for Text-to-Speech Conversion. Resemble AI provides a powerful Text-to-Speech API, allowing you to generate realistic speech from text. You can integrate it into Appsmith to create a simple application where users enter text, and it gets converted into speech.

  1. Get Resemble.AI API Key

    • Sign up at Resemble AI.
    • Navigate to API Settings and generate an API Key.

  2. Create New Appsmith Application by Login to Appsmith Account

    • Visit Appsmith Cloud to sign up or log in.
    • Create a New Application and select a suitable theme.
    • Add Form widget with Select widget to select Voice & Project
    • Display different voice & project options from Resemble.AI and let users choose
    • Input widget to Add Text to Convert Speech

  3. Creating Authenticating Data source in Appsmith

    1. Select Data source as Authenticated REST API

       Fill out the form as follows:

    • URL: https://app.resemble.ai
    • Authentication Type: Bearer Token
    • Add Header <Authorization> : <Your Bearer Token>
    • Name datasource as "ResembleAPIs"
    • Click SAVE. Your Datasource is now connected and ready to use. 

      Select Source
    • Create API query to get all voice list available
    • Method: GET
    • URL: https://app.resemble.ai/api/v2/voices?page=1&page_size=10
    • Parameters: Page=>1, page_size=>10
    • Name your API query "getVoice", save it, and test the connection.
    • Create API query to get all Project list available
    • Method: GET
    • URL: https://app.resemble.ai/api/v2/projects?page=1&page_size=10
    • Parameters: Page=>1, page_size=>10
    • Name your API query "getProjects", save it, and test the connection.

  4. Create Authenticated Datasource for another URL for Synthesise Text to Speech

    Select Datasource as Authenticated REST API

    Fill out the form as follows:

    • URL: https://f.cluster.resemble.ai
    • Authentication Type: Bearer Token
    • Add Header <Authorization> : <Your Bearer Token>
    • Accept-Encoding: gzip
    • Name datasource as "ResembleAISyntesise"
    • Click SAVE. Your Datasource is now connected and ready to use. 

      Create API query to Convert Text to Speech

    • Method: POST
    • URL: https://f.cluster.resemble.ai/synthesize
    • Body: JSON Format body
    • {
         "voice_uuid": "{{Select1.selectedOptionValue}}",
         "project_uuid": "{{Select2.selectedOptionValue}}",
         "title": "{{Input1.text}}",
         "data": "{{Input2.text}}",
         "precision": "PCM_16",
         "output_format": "mp3"
    • Name query "TextToAudio" & save it

  5. Convert Text To Speech

    • Bind data of API getVoice with Select1 widget: {{getVoice.data.items}}
    • Bind data of API getProject with Select2 widget: {{getProject.data.items}}
    • Add Text for converting to Speech in Input2 widget
    • Convert button call the API "TextToAudio"

      {{TextToAudio.run().then(() => {
       showAlert('Speech generated Successfully', 'success');

    • API response has a field 'audioBase64' which contains the Base64 encoded audio data
    • need to decode it to Binary string & create URL
    • Write JSObject  "ConvertJSObject" with following code for decoding Base64 Audio 

      export default {
       decodeAudio: () => {
         const base64Audio = TextToAudio.data.audio_content;
         const decodedAudio = atob(base64Audio);
         const byteArray = new Uint8Array(decodedAudio.length);
         for (let i = 0; i < decodedAudio.length; i++) {
           byteArray[i] = decodedAudio.charCodeAt(i);
         const audioBlob = new Blob([byteArray], { type: 'audio/mpeg' }); 
         const audioUrl = URL.createObjectURL(audioBlob);
       return audioUrl;
    • Add Audio widget for Play/ Pause Audio (Converted Speech)
    • Bind the Audio widget to the response data



By following the above steps, you can successfully integrate Resemble.AI with Appsmith to enable text-to-speech conversion. Users can enter text, click "Convert," and the API will generate speech, which can then be played directly within Appsmith using the Audio widget.

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