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Joseph Petty Verified userVerified user

Head of Developer Relations


Slack API: Oauth2 Integration Tutorial


Create an Authenticated API Datasource for the Slack API using OAuth2


  • A Slack Account, and a workspace to access with the API

  • An Appsmith Account


Slack offers several different methods for integrating it with other platforms. If you're just looking to send a message to a channel from your app, Slack webhooks provide a quick and easy solution with no authentication required. This is much easier to set up than the API, so give webhooks a try first if you only need to send a message to a certain channel. 

For more complex operations like creating channels and adding users, you can create a 'bot token' or 'user-token' in Slack and use that to connect from Appsmith. This tutorial will cover using bot tokens, but the same approach works for user tokens, if you want the channel edits to come from your account instead of the bot. 

This tutorial will cover: 

  • Creating a Slack App, adding scopes, and generating a token (user or bot)
  • Saving the token as an Authenticated API Datasource in Appsmith
  • Adding APIs to List Channels and add Users
  1. Create a Slack App

    Start out by going to your My Apps page in Slack, and click Create New App

    Enter the following settings:

    1. Choose From Scratch
    2. Name the App, and select a Workspace
    3. Click Create App

    Adding Scopes

    Now that the app is created, click OAuth & Permissions on the left sidebar and then scroll down to Scopes. Under the Bot Token Scopes section, click Add an OAuth Scope

    Add the following scopes: 

    1. channels:join
    2. channels:read
    3. channels:manage
    4. channels:write.invites

    Installing the Slack App To Your Workspace

    Next, the app needs to be approved by a user by going through the OAuth consent screen. Scroll up to the OAuth Tokens section and click Install to WORKSPACE_NAME.

    install slack app

    Next you should see the OAuth consent screen, listing your app name and the permissions being requested. Click Allow and then the token will be generated. 

    Lastly, go to Slack and invite the bot to the channel(s) you want to interact with. Open the channel's settings and go to the Integrations tab. Click Add App, then search for the app you created and add it to the channel. The bot should now be able to add other users to this channel. 

  2. Saving Token to Appsmith Datasource

    Open a new Appsmith app and click the Data icon on the left sidebar, then select the [+] to add a new Datasource and choose Authenticated API

    create datasource

    Configure the new Datasource as follows:

    Name Name the datasource. If working with a team, it helps to include your own name. 
    URL conversations.list
    Authentication Type Bearer token
    Bearer Token token from Slack

    Notice the green lock icon on the Bearer token field. This indicates the field is encrypted on your self-hosted Appsmith server, and will never be sent to client applications. More on security here

    Click SAVE. Your Datasource is now connected and ready to use. 


  3. Listing Channels

    You can now begin adding APIs under the Slack Datasource. If you're still viewing the Datasource, you can use the + New API button in the top right to add an API to it. Or go to the Queries tab and click + to add a new API, then select the Slack Datasource. You can also use cmd-shift-+ (mac) or ctrl-shift-+ (windows) to quickly add a new API. 

    You should see the URL prefilled with with a blue bar around it, indicating that this API is part of a Datasource and will inherit the Authentication settings. 

    Configure the API as follows:

    Name getChannels
    URL conversations.list
    Method POST
    Body Type JSON
       "types": "public_channel",
       "limit": 100

    Click Run and you should get back a list of the public Channels in your Workspace. 

    get slack channels

    Next, click the UI tab and drag in a table widget. Select the getChannels API to display the response data. 

    channel table
  4. Inviting Users to a Channel

    Next, add an Input widget above the table and name it inp_addUser. Set the label to Slack UserID

    Then add a Button widget and set the text to Add User

    add user

    Adding the inviteUser API

    Next, add a new API under the Slack Datasource, and name it inviteUser

    Configure the API as follows: 

    URL conversations.invite
    Method POST
    Body Type JSON
        "users": inp_addUser.text
    invite user api


    Lastly, update the Add User button's onClick event to run the inviteUser API. 

    The app should be ready to test out. 

    Go to Slack and copy a member ID from the [...] menu on another user's profile. Then paste that in the input and select a channel from the table that the user is not already in. Click Add User and they should now be added to the Slack Channel. 

    You can also add the users:read scope and add an API to list users to lookup their name. Be sure to reinstall the app in Slack after changing scopes. 



Appsmith's Authenticated API Datasource makes it easy to integrate with the Slack API. The Datasource handles the refresh token for you, ensuring you always have a valid token ready to use, and keeps the token secure on your self-hosted Appsmith server instead of in the client application.